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Image by Tom Hermans

We recognize we don't do this work alone


On this page you can explore articles, podcasts, reports, videos, webinars and more from others leading efforts to transform the criminal legal system. 

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Check out our survey to listen to the broader community’s understanding and opinion of the Minneapolis BCR and learn about perspectives around safety. The Minneapolis BCR is a team of mental health responders dispatched by 911 that responds to people experiencing behavioral health crises. \

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MN Women's Press Editor Mikki Morrissette moderated a discussion on Re-imagining Public Safety with Michele Braley, Matthew Walker, Deneal Trueblood-Lynch, and Leah Robshaw Robinson at the 2023 Community Connections Conference

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This series of short documents explore research connected to the restoration of voting rights

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Doing away with cash bail

Q&A with RSC member Dr. Joshua Page - In the US, people charged with a crime usually need to post a large cash bond to be released before trial — a system used barely anywhere else in the world. This doesn’t enhance public safety and causes great hardship to defendants and families. There’s a better way, researchers say.

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Laws in 48 states ban people with felony convictions from voting. In 2022, an estimated 4.6 million Americans, representing 2 percent of the voting-age population, will be ineligible to vote due to these laws or policies, many of which date back to the post-Reconstruction era. This 2022 report updates and expands upon 20 years of work chronicling the scope and distribution of felony disenfranchisement in the United States.

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This toolkit provides information and resources for members of the public interested in communicating their support for recent administrative rules changes at the Minnesota POST Board.

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The overall size, or “footprint,” of the American criminal justice system remains well above historical levels, but it has shrunk substantially in recent years. This series of interactive charts summarizes trends in crime, arrests, and correctional control (incarceration and community supervision), comparing current levels with their most recent peaks or valleys.

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The list of 15 legislative proposals that make up the Justice for All Coalition's 2023 agenda that offer a new vision for public safety

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To inform the urgent debate on crime policy, in August of 2022, Alliance for Safety and Justice commissioned a second National Survey of Victims’ Views. This report describes the findings from this survey and points to opportunities for further research and reform to advance policies that align with the needs and perspectives of victims.

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As part of the development of a consent decree, the Minnesota Department of Human Rights (MDHR) is partnering with the Minnesota Justice Research Center (MNJRC) to meet with community members and stakeholders this summer to gather ideas on what should be included in a consent decree to address race-based policing in Minneapolis.

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