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What you can do to change policing in Minnesota

Transforming the system of policing in Minnesota can feel like an impossible task. Despite growing numbers of calls to transform the system, very little seems to change.

Until July 20th, Minnesotans have an opportunity to contribute to meaningful changes in policing by submitting comments in support of proposed rules changes at the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST Board).

The proposed rules changes will strengthen the systems that hold police accountable for protecting and serving their communities. The MNJRC has created a Public Comment Toolkit that provides information and resources for members of the public interested in submitting a comment in support of strengthening systems statewide.

What’s the POST Board?

The POST Board is a state-level agency that regulates licensing and training standards for law enforcement officers. The Board recently completed a two-year process of reviewing and recommending changes to administrative rules that dictate licensing and training requirements and standards of conduct for officers across the state.

In March 2022, a POST Board committee consisting of law enforcement, community groups, academics and researchers, and government actors recommended a series of draft rules changes. The diverse group unanimously agreed to all but five changes.

The POST Board is now asking for public comments on the proposed rules changes.

What’s a comment and how do I submit one?

A comment is a written statement expressing your opinion about the proposed rules changes. It acts as a signal to the POST Board and other state actors about whether the public supports the changes.

There is a specific process for submitting a comment. The comment must be written and refer to specific rules. It can be emailed (, faxed (651-643-3072), or mailed (POST Board, 1600 University Ave, Suite 200, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55104).

All comments must be sent to the POST Board by 4:30pm on July 20th.

What should my comment say?

Your comment should state your opinion about the rules changes and reasons you support or oppose them.

The POST Board is particularly interested in comments about the small number of rules changes that were not approved unanimously. Links below include information and sample comments about three of these rules changes, including:


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